The Enemy for Transformation is mostly Inside ...
“ The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself ; you lie in wait for yourself in caverns and forests ”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
We would like to personally thank you for the interest in this assessment. We know very well how much, for an Executive like you , time mgt is a challenge , so your cooperation & related time investment is greatly appreciated !
In this survey we ask questions about your "Inno-Preneurial" Transformation Readiness Capabilities in 12 areas , please answer all questions as fully as possible. (There are no right or wrong answers...)
It will take +- 60-75 minutes to complete. In exchange for your precious time you will get a personalized report (PDF format) comparing your results with other companies in our benchmark database and get also some high level recommendations.
nb: For more information on this report, you can download a sample report at the Welcome page of Benovate
In our experience, most successful Digital Innovation and Transformation programs start with some sort of formal or informal assessment... An assessment provides an objective view that can be used to put together an action plan to make Strategic Innovation happen at your company. We hope you will find it useful.
You want know more on this topic ?
Just have a look at the chapter I had the honor to wirite in this book edited at WW level in May 2017 :
You are ready ...? To start, just click "Next" button below.
Have a good assessment, and see you soon for the personalized results !
Kind regards,
Patrick Crasson - Managing Partner BeNovate and Founding Partner AdVuca
Privacy: This study is registered under the number HM003004619 with the Belgian Privacy commission. All the data that you provide will be kept confidential and will not be made available to any third party without your express written consent.
There are 30 questions in this survey.